Fascia Blasting

Woman awaiting her massage session

Mission Statement: I want to help EVERY woman look and feel her best. NATURALLY.

  • Fascia Blasting reduces the appearance of cellulite

  • Fascia Blasting improves body contours

  • Fascia Blasting improves flexibility

  • Fascia Blasting opens stubborn fat pockets and aids in weight loss

  • Fascia Blasting improves muscle definition

  • Fascia Blasting improves circulation to the skin

  • Fascia Blasting improves skin texture

  • Fascia Blasting helps to smooth out scars

  • Fascia Blasting improves nerve impulse conduction to muscle tissue allowing for better workouts

  • Fascia Blasting improves recovery after a workout

  • Fascia Blasting helps improve TMJ pain

  • Fascia Blasting helps to correct skeletal misalignments i.e. non-congential scoliosis

  • Fascia Blasting helps to relieve migraine headaches

  • Fascia Blasting can help relieve nerve pain i.e. Fibromyalgia.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider’s web or a sweater.  Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein as well as all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.  The most interesting aspect of the fascia system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings, it is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption.  In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia like yarn in a sweater.

Fascia plays an important role in the support of our bodies since it surrounds and attaches to ALL structures.  Trauma, such as a fall, car accident, whiplash, surgery or just habitual poor posture and repetitive stress has cumulative effects on the body.  Fascial restrictions can exert excessive pressure causing all kinds of symptoms producing pain, headaches, restriction of motion and CELLULITE.  Cellulite is not a fat problem. It is a connective tissue issue.  Restricted or “distorted” fascia is the reason one can have a “cottage cheese” appearance to the skin.  Releasing fascial restrictions helps to restore function, flexibility and a smoother appearance to the skin.


“Cellulite is NOT a FAT problem.

It is a connective tissue issue.”


Fascia Blasting is a therapeutic and cosmetic treatment.  Using the Ashley Black Fascia Blaster the restricted fascia is released or un-adheared to allow for the restoration of the connective tissue.  The released fascia will open up stubborn pockets of fat, allow for improved nerve impulse conduction of muscle tissue and better circulation to the skin resulting in improved skin texture and firmness.

Fascia Blasting can be done post surgery, after an injury or as maintenance for a smooth and flexible body.  Fascia Blasting should be a part of any healthy lifestyle for both women and men as it helps to preserve form, function and beauty.

Feel confident, beautiful and sexy again with your rejuvenated Fascia Blasted body!


Fasciablaster® Tool

To purchase your own FasciaBlaster® visit Ashley Black. It is the #1 selling tool for opening fascia at the deeper layers and breaking up fascial adhesions.